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Proposed Changes to Constitution and Standing Rules


Revision of the Constitution and Standing Rules

On January 4, 2010, the Board passed a motion appointing Jane Gamber, Kathy Kilbride, Catharine Sturgess, Debbie Wright and Carol Taylor to serve as a Special Committee to review the NCGC Constitution and Standing Rules and to report recommendations to the Board no later than its May 3, 2010, meeting.

 I wish to thank Jane, Kathy, Catharine and Debbie for their conscientious and tireless efforts; their dedication was remarkable.  At the outset, we surveyed the constitutions and bylaws of clubs in Zone II and beyond, looking for “best practices” and efficiencies in club governance.  Our comprehensive review looked at every provision and every word.  Our sole purpose was to update our core documents: clarifying intent where necessary; making the language more precise; making certain the documents reflect our current practices; and, providing organizational flexibility to meet any changing needs in the future.  I am pleased to report that the Board carefully considered and approved the recommended changes to our Constitution and Standing Rules at its May 12 meeting.

 In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and Standing Rules, this message constitutes the official notice to members that a vote will be taken at the Annual Meeting of members on Wednesday, June 9, 2010, to approve or reject the amendments to these two documents.

 The full text of the Constitution and Standing Rules are attached to this message.  (Click on the links below to download each of the documents)  There is no substitute for reading the revised documents, but to help members understand the more significant changes we have also attached a concise, one page description of the revisions made to both documents.  These descriptions give members the highlights.

I invite members with questions to feel free to call me (966-6011), or any other member of the Special Committee.  We hope all members will carefully review the attached material and will support the approval of the recommended changes to the Constitution and Standing Rules on June 9.


Carol Taylor, President

 doc Constitution Overview of Changes

doc Constitution – Overview of Changes

doc Standing Rules – Recommended 4-12-10

doc Standing Rules– Overview of Changes