Membership Information

Members in the New Canaan Garden Club (NCGC) share their knowledge and love of gardening, flower design, and photography and an interest in restoring, improving and protecting the environment. By association, members gain access to exceptional education meetings, conferences, correspondence and publications as well as occasions to socialize and become engaged in civic beautification and improvement.

NCGC Membership Eligibility

Membership is by invitation only. Prospective members are proposed, seconded and supported by current NCGC members. A membership committee confidentially reviews all applications and proposes candidates to the Board for approval.

To be eligible for membership an individual must:

  • Own or rent a home in New Canaan and have lived in the community for at least three years.
  • Have a garden in which an active personal interest is taken and/or be actively interested in floral design, horticulture, conservation or photography.
  • Be willing and able to sustain the goals of the club and to participate regularly in its activities and programs.
  • Pass through a provisional year (upon acceptance), which includes an introductory program as well as the regular club programs and activities

Active membership requires consistent involvement in NCGC activities, including regular attendance at meetings and workshops, active participation on at least one administrative or civic committee and active participation in at least one civic project each year. Active members are strongly encouraged to participate in conservation and fund raising and to exhibit in at least one Flower Show each year and/or sweepstakes at regular monthly meetings.

Membership Process

Current members are encouraged to bring individuals whom they believe may make good candidates for membership to any of the monthly meetings except September, December and June or to our joint meeting with the Garden Club of Darien. Please notify the Membership Chair in advance if you are bringing a guest to one of the Club meetings. The Membership Chair will have a name tag printed for your guest and will make a special effort to welcome her to the meeting. At the meeting it is important for you to introduce your guest to the President and as many members of the Membership Committee as possible.

The Membership Questionnaire is due to the Membership Chair by February 15th. The Proposal letter, one Seconding letter and two letters of Support are due to the Membership Committee by March 15th, 2025. The Proposer should include a brief biography of the candidate. The Membership Questionnaire may be found on the NCGC website.


Membership Process Calendar

Membership Questionnaire and Bio is due to the Membership Chair by February 15th.


  1. All prospective members and their proposers must attend a membership informational meeting.
  2. ALL letters in support of the prospective member’s application are due by March 15th.
  3. Membership Committee meets to review files of applicants and vote on each candidate individually.

Prospective members are put to a vote at the April Board meeting by paper ballot.
If approved, a candidate is invited by the President to join as a Provisional.

Provisionals are expected to attend the June monthly meeting where they will be introduced to the membership.