
Gardens in Bloom Garden Tour 2025

Join us on Thursday, June 5th for the 2025 Gardens in Bloom Garden Tour, hosted by the New Canaan Garden Club (NCGC). This exclusive, self-guided tour will offer an extraordinary opportunity to explore some of New Canaan’s most breathtaking private gardens that are otherwise not open to the public. From 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, rain or shine, garden enthusiasts will have the rare chance to experience these meticulously curated spaces that span a variety of horticultural styles, sizes and designs.     Continue Reading →

Gardens In Bloom Tour A Success!

Inaugural Garden Tour: “Gardens in Bloom” was a Resounding Success!  Thanks to so many supporters, volunteers and tour goers, our inaugural garden tour, Gardens in Bloom, was a fantastic day and an amazing success! We sold over 500 tickets in advance of the tour day. The tour featured four of our members’ gardens, all completely different in scope, size and style and we also showcased the wonderful public gardens at Waveny House which garden club members lovingly maintain. A festive Preview Party was held the evening before the tour at a fifth private home.     Continue Reading →

Native Bee Booklet

“Native bees are a hidden treasure. From alpine meadows in the national forests of the Rocky Mountains to the Sonoran Desert in the Coronado National Forest in Arizona and from the boreal forests of the Tongass National Forest in Alaska to the Ocala National Forest in Florida, bees can be found anywhere in North America, where flowers bloom. From forests to farms, from cities to wildlands, there are 4,000 native bee species in the United States, from the tiny Perdita minima to large carpenter bees.”    

NCGC Completes Irwin Park Master Plan

New Canaan Garden Club completes master plan for Irwin Park
March 3, 2022
To the Editor,
Since opening as a park in 2005, Irwin Park has been seen as a sanctuary where residents and our neighbors can walk, jog, ride bicycles, picnic and even cross-country ski. The New Canaan Garden Club (NCGC), as stewards of the park, recently completed a ten-year master plan for the park with Stimson Landscape Architects from Cambridge, MA. Stimson recently was awarded the 2021 Landscape Architecture Firm award from the American Society of Landscape Architects and their master plan will provide the road map for the future of the park.     Continue Reading →

NCGC Elves Hard at Work!

Members enjoyed a wonderful morning at our annual greens workshop with the New Canaan Beautification League creating wreaths and decorations for downtown New Canaan. Thanks to everyone who spread good cheer and helped kick-off the holiday season!